FengShui is a Chinese belief that utilizes the positive energy in the lives of human beings. Spiritual forces are used to transform negative forces of life to positive force. The entire attempt is to make the living environment feel comfortable. One must study the Chinese belief thoroughly to introduce FengShui decorating in their home.
It may always not be possible to build homes depending on the recommendation of FengShui. The houses build previously were constructed according to certain plan and it is not possible for the home owner to change everything of the house following FengShui science. It is a costly affair but one can incorporate certain FengShui decorating objects at affordable costs. One can consult FengShui books or the Internet websites such as homeimprovementtips.org for good recommendations.
According to Chinese tradition, clean waters and open winds are symbols of good fortune. It can bring good health conditions and success in the life of the people living in the home. Bowl of water and nice decorative pieces placed at certain points of the home can enhance the fortune of individuals in great way and is a common tip given by Fengshui.
Principles to be followed for FengShui Decorating
Generally three conditions determine the FengShui decorating of the home. They are the position, space distribution among the various articles and the design of the different things used in the home.
Balance of every object should be well maintained for happiness to exist in the home. Conflicts and arguments can be avoided to large extent with good FengShui decorating ideas. Try out the various concepts and see the magic it brings to life. The FengShui belief is based on Ba Gua that happens to be an 8 sided grid. Study of the structure may lead to choice of good items for decoration.
Taking the Help of Expert and Various Ideas
Hire the FengShui expert professional and make them visit your home. They may introduce the five major elements like water, wood, fire, earth and metal. He will use colors subtly to improve the drawbacks of the home. Various colors work for various elements of FengShui. Metal is symbolized by colors like gold, silver, bronze and copper. The rods and the grills in the house may have such color to activate the metal character. Water is represented by blue and black color.
FengShui decorating pieces like fountains and aquarium can give force to the water force needed in the home. Red color symbolizes the fire aspect of FengShui and it can be introduced in the furnishings. Wood can be represented by blue and green color. Earth is generally symbolized by beige or yellow color. FengShui decorating pieces like terra cotta pots of plants and rock statues can be implanted in the home to give force to the earth element.
One must keep the positive actions flow in the direction having good windows. The living and relaxing space must be placed in the shady environment of the home. Nice shady bonsai trees can give nice FengShui decorating pieces to the home.
Incoming search terms:
- feng shui home office
Via: FengShui Decorating at a Glance
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